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Mining And Mineral Searches

Mining And Mineral Searches

Mining And Mineral Searches

When ordering Mining And Mineral Searches, what services Can NLIS Provide?

NLIS can provide you with all localised Mining And Mineral Searches such as Coal, Tin, Lead, Gypsum, clay and Limestone. When an order is placed with NLIS via the online system, the website will automatically inform you as to whether the property is situated in an area where Mining And Mineral Searches are recommended.

NLIS offer the following Mining And Mineral Searches:

Coal Mining Searches: The first of NLIS Mining And Mineral Searches is the Coal mining search which is considered by property professionals as vital for anyone buying property in any coal mining area in Britain. Our Mining And Mineral Searches /reports service provides a fast, accurate, property-specific and cost-effective Mining And Mineral Searches service for any property in England and Wales. Since 23rd October 2006, Mining And Mineral Searches searches in England and Wales have also included information about Cheshire brine subsidence claims.

Cheshire Brine: Cheshire Brine is a type of salt and has been mined from underground deposits for hundreds of years in the Cheshire area, leaving massive caves underground which are liable to subsidence causing damage to property. A compensation scheme is in place and the area covered by this scheme can be identified from a Cheshire Brine Search. This search is included within  the NLIS Coal Mining Searches as part of the Mining And Mineral Searches that NLIS offer.

Tin & Metalliferous Mining: Tin and Metalliferous Mining And Mineral Searches are produced with reference to the extensive mining archive in order to provide an assessment of mining risk to the subject property. The report includes a plan showing the property boundary and any mining features which may be considered as a risk to the property. Clear recommendations will be provided in NLIS Mining And Mineral Searches where further action may take place, such as visual inspection of the property. This search is part of the Mining And Mineral Searches that NLIS can provide you.

Gypsum Mining: A gypsum search will establish whether it is likely if a property will suffer from mining subsidence if it is built on or near a former Gypsum mine. Gypsum is a mineral used in the production of plaster, plasterboard and cement. Abandoned opencast gypsum mines are often back filled and the waste from the mines is dumped in landfills then this land is often reclaimed for housing. Gypsum mining has taken place and still takes place in East Sussex, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and Cumbria and NLIS believe this search is a vital search for these areas as part of the Mining And Mineral Searches that NLIS offer.

China & Ball Clay Mining: China clay is commercial clay composed principally of the hydrated aluminosilicate clay mineral kaolinite. Ball clay is a fine, highly plastic sedimentary clay which is near white in colour. Mining And Mineral Searches such as this one are to allow personnel to establish whether the property is on land with known clay deposits which may be worked in the future, or whether it has been mined in the past. For properties in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset these Mining And Mineral Searches should be seriously considered. The Mining And Mineral Searches is carried out to establish whether the property is likely to suffer from subsidence due to past mining activities. Limestone Mining: A Limestone mining search should be considered for properties in the West Midlands where limestone mining was common until the 1930s. Mining activity has ceased since then therefore the risk is diminishing as more time passes, however a potential subsidence risk does still remain that is why NLIS offer this search as part of our Mining Searches and Mineral Searches. If you would like to know more about the Mining And Mineral Searches NLIS offer then please feel free to Contact Us via the links provided throughout.

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