Southern Water Drainage And Water Search
A Southern Water Drainage And Water Search is a very important search in the conveyancing process. We recommend for a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search to be carried out on every property that’s going through the Conveyancing process. NLIS can provide you with a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search for both domestic and commercial properties. A Southern Water Drainage And Water Search provides underwritten and guaranteed information, alerting purchasers to unnecessary risks giving them and their adviser’s security, peace of mind and a clear trail of responsibility back to the water companies. There are still thousands of properties in UK which are not connected to sewers or mains water. They may use soak away, culverts, rivers or streams to disperse surface water and septic tanks, cesspool for sewage, wells or boreholes for the supply of water.
A Southern Water Drainage And Water Search Includes:
NLIS can provide a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search that has at least 23 questions and gives information relating to the following;
- If a property has a mains water supply,
- Drains and water mains,
- Whether foul and surface water drains from the property to the public sewer,
- Confirmation of the location and distance of the nearest waste water treatment works,
- Connection and position of sewers, as well as other information related to the drainage and water services to the property
NLIS provide a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search that is usually requested by a Solicitor or Conveyancer and is compiled by a member of NLIS who examines the relevant water company records. The Thames Water Drainage And Water Search provided by NLIS is backed by an individual £2m Search Warranty including run-off cover.
NLIS can also provide a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search which is done via legitimate Water Company. Water Company Complied Searches are based on the Con29DW which consists of 25 Questions agreed between the Law Society and the Water Companies. NLIS will always make every effort to obtain the information required to answer the same questions as the Water Companies within the NLIS Produced Searches. However this is not always possible due to the restrictions on access to information imposed on search companies by the various water companies. Where the information required to answer a question on an NLIS Produced Southern Water Drainage And Water Search is not available, it will be stated within the report. Insurance is also in place to cover financial losses incurred due to lack of information.
You can order a Southern Water Drainage And Water Search through NLIS, simply Contact Us for more information or continue onto our site NLIS.
Southern Water Drainage And Water Search !